Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Yes, it is the ugly "P" word. I'm stuck at just short of 19 lbs. I'm disgusted, there's nothing else to say.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Nothing Good to Report

It's probably best that I waited until now to make this post. I started feeling awful last Monday, by Thursday I was home with cold symptoms. But you know, fibromyalgia is always looking for a chink in the armor. I was in bed Thursday thru Sunday, in pain, fatigued, feeling weak and lightheaded (changing the bed sheets was almost too big a task). I had a headache during that whole time until today, with it being really painful at times. Yuk, I have no patience for feeling bad any more.

I finally woke up this morning feeling decent, not so stiff and no headache. Now at the end of my workday I am TIRED and stiff but still better than the last several days. So although I have been keeping with my eating plan, I haven't exercised since the 13th. So now I lower my expectations and get back to the gym. I don't know how the weight is since I weigh there on the same scale each time. Maybe next week I can let you all know.

bye for now

Monday, June 1, 2009

Down 18 Pounds and 20 is calling my name!

Slow but sure, I keep losing those pounds. I guess I am lucky because I can gain 20 pounds and no one notices, so I guess I can't complain too much when I loose 20 and no one notices. Jeff says there are changes but I suspect he is trying to be nice and supportive.

More and more clothes are being thrown to the top of my closet (so I know they are too big) (or tops into my drawers to sleep in) and everything continues to get looser. I am also lifting more and more weight, more places more than others, but I can see that I am progressing.

I think that about does it for now!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hanging in there!

Thought I'd take a minute to let everyone know how I am doing. It's a little harder to stay away from the things I am not suppose to eat now that the Challenge is over. I'm going to have a talk with myself and refocus myself for the weeks ahead. Not that I am doing terrible, I missed a meal (forgot to eat) and then Jody invited us for dinner and it was so good I ate too much protein (it was a steak, after all) and maybe a few too many carbs. It was last Sunday and it is the hardest day for me. Saturday is my free day so it is harder to buckle down and get back on the program on Sunday, especially when I don't have the structure of work to help me. Since then I have done great.

One reason I think that I can pass on the sweets and treats here at work is because of the protein shake I drink every morning. I LOVE IT! It is called Fixx and it made by the same people that makes the Form pills. It is full of organic dark chocolate and I put in a blop of crunchy almond butter. It is also full of a lot of good healthy things and it is so satisfying. I am never hungry in the morning until I have been up a few hours so to drink a shake really is working for me. And I get my chocolate fix (hey, maybe that's why they call it Fixx????) and then I am good for the day. I think I could easily drink it 2 or 3 times a day except that they are kind of expensive.

Still working hard at the exercising. No real flare-up last weekend but I was so tired! Had a hard time getting moving after I got home from my weighted workout. We went to a party at church and they were asking people about their hobbies, I guess mine is working out. Sometimes it seems like it is the only thing I get done! I go to work and I work out. But it is all working (down another pound!) so I'm going to keep with the program. One of these days it will get easier . . . . right?

Monday, April 27, 2009

Stopping for a minute to enjoy the view....

I have finished the Body for Life 12 Week Challenge!

I've lost 15 lbs (my goal was 15-20) and I'm down two pant sizes. I have also "lost" the afternoon crashes, the sugar mood swings, and hunger. I feel great! Sigh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . enjoy the view, take a deep breath and . . .

Keep going. This time I am going to measure and see how many inches I can lose. AND I did not flare this last weekend! I am taking more of a supplement that helps my pain and I was able to have a weekend with no fibro pain (well, I always hurt alittle). First time in about 6 weeks. Hard to get much done when you work all week and are in bed all weekend!

If anyone is interested in trying Body for Life I would be happy to help you (did I tell you I finished a Body for Life 12 Week Challenge? I'm an expert now, you know) I really do think it is a great program. I find it so "do-able" even the weighted work outs. I have never been able to stay with an exercise program this long. I am feeling really positive about getting to a healthy weight and keeping active.

Ok, I've bragged enough, I'm done . . .

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

One More Week to Go!

Well, it's the eleventh week of the 12 Week Challenge. I have lost 14 lbs (my goal is to reach 15 by the end of the challenge). Not that I am going to quit what I am doing. I am going to keep with it until I reach a healthy weight. But I made a commitment to myself that I would finish this challenge. There have been alot of people who have dropped out. I am going to be a finisher!

Still struggling with flare-ups. I have narrowed it down to the cardio workout (just as I suspected). Is losing every weekend to a flare-up worth all this? Right now I say "yes!" but on the weekend I'm not so confident. If I scale down my workout to the point that it does me no good, then it is really not helping me reach my goal . . .

I know I could workout in the warm pool without a problem, but I can't figure out how I would keep track of my time. The wall clock is a distance away and it is so not cool to wear glasses in the pool.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Feeling Discouraged

Had another bad flareup. Was down most of the weekend and still hurting so much on Monday I didn't do my Cardio workout. I guess I will dial my workout down a notch and see if that helps.

I'm beginning to wonder is maybe it is cumulative. I mean, why does my Friday cardio always the one that sets me off? It doesn't make sense, especially when it feels so good while I'm exercising, really no pain. Maybe it is all my exercising, both cardio and weighted, after 6 days, that is setting me off. I don't know how to figure this out except by trial and error. It's feeling like the errors are winning.